Kohi: 91 ft Scow/Fish Freezer in Golden Bay

Build Date


Boat Builder

G.T. Niccol


91 ft/28m


62 Ton

Black and white image of a scow called Kohi in 1911.  The boat is in front of a wharf with a building in the background.
Photograh: KOHI (1911) scow at wharf, New Zealand Maritime Museum Hui Te Ananui a Tangaroa, https://collection.maritimemuseum.co.nz/objects/46724/photograph-kohi-1911-scow-at-wharf URL (accessed on 21/02/23)], 2021.29.224

Kohi Before Cray Fishing

Disaster For Kohi and Cray Fishing

Image of Kohi beached at low tide whilst still in use. The photo is reproduced on a panel at Mangarākau Wharf
Image of Kohi on panel at Mangarākau Wharf
Close up view of Kohi, a wooden scow. The boat is beached and is in disrepair. Only the bow can be seen.
Kohi – bow view, February 2023
Close up view of Kohi, a wooden scow. The boat is beached and is in disrepair.
Kohi – stern view, February 2023


If you are able to get hold of a copy at Auckland Central Library the Biddick’s Scow Kohi and the Kohi School by Jim Hansen would also be interesting.

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